7. Tabla

Skinned drums have been popular in India from ancient times. Some of these are played with sticks and other are played with hand. It is said that god Shiva dug a pit in the ground and skinned it with the devil’s skin and played it. That was world’s first skinned drum. This of course could be a myth, but the point is that these drums are older than to find their true origin.
007_tabla.jpgSome old paintings have been found of a drum which sort of looks like a Baya (left) side of a Tabla, but the modern Tabla is not that old. Most scholars and researchers now agree that a Sufi poet and musician Amir Khusro made Tabla in the time of Emperor Alaudin Khilji (1296 – 1316 AD). He cut the Murdung (or Pukhavaj, an ancient rhythmic instrument, still popular in the southern music) in the middle and put the two pieces side by side. Later developments were made from that design. Some people say that word Tabla, evolved from Middle Eastern word ‘Tubbel’ drum. This much is sure that today Tabla is the most famous Indian drum in and out side of India.

Main Parts:
Tabla has two parts, which are simply known as the left and the right drum. The names are only correct if you are right handed. If you are left-handed, then you will be playing left side with your right hand. the good thing about Tabla is that no adjustment is necessary to change hands, just switch the drums around.
Both the left and the right parts have many other names too. You can pick any pair you would like to or you can mix and match.
1. Dayan (right) and Bayan (left)
2. Tabla and Dugga
3. Tabla and Duggi
4. Puda and Dhama
5. Jodi (the pair)

First two names are very famous everywhere. Some popular music players (non-classical) use the word Duggi for the Bayan (left). Some Quwali style players and villagers in Punjab, call them ‘Puda’ and ‘Dhama’. And religious Sikh singers mostly use the name ‘Jodi’. Generally speaking, if you say that I play Tabla, then this automatically means the both parts. But when we discuss the sounds of Tabla, then Tabla means the right side (Dayan or the higher, treble drum). To make things a little less confusing let’s settle on the names for this blog:

Tabla means both sides (the left and the right)
Dayan (right) means the right side or the smaller treble drum
Bayan (left) means the left side or the bigger bass drum

Dayan (the right side, treble drum):
A Prepared PudiThe right side is the sharper side of Tabla. It is made of wood that gives it a distinguished sound. It is available in many sizes, depending on where you want to tune it. The Tabla heads are made from goatskin. A prepared skin is called ‘Pudi’. That is why sometimes ‘Dayan’ is also known as ‘Puda’. A Pudi’s edge has a crown which has 16 holes. A rawhide belt goes through these holes and 8 wooden blocks are inserted under the belt. Dayan is tuned by these wooden pieces.

It is always tuned before playing. Most players tune it to the keynote (especially classical and semi classical players), although in folk and pop music if the Key is too high or low for the available Dayan (the right side), then it is often tuned on the fifth or the fourth. It is very rare to tune it to the third and it is not recommended, unless you have no other option. The term ‘tuning Tabla’ mostly means tuning the right side’s (Dayan’s) edge (chanti), that sound is called ‘Na’ or ‘Ta’. So if you have a Tabla, don’t tune it until you really know how to create this ‘Na’ sound. The open sounds of Dayan (tu or din), are mostly semitone to a tone higher than the ‘Na’ sound.

Dayan’s top is divided in three parts:
1. The out side circle is called ‘Chanti’
2. The first circle inside it is called ‘Luv’ and
3.. the black part in the middle is called ‘Siaahi’ (ink)

007_parts.jpg Please pay attention to the picture and see where these parts are. All the sounds are made by hitting the different parts of Tabla with different kind of strokes. If a Tabla is recklessly hit or tuned, it may take hours to fix it back. It is a very delicate instrument. Although it is moderately loud instrument, but it is the technique not the force, that makes a Tabla sound good.

Bayan (Left side):
Left side is the bass side. It used to be made of clay, but now most of them are made of copper. In Punjab (Northern State of India (The Punjab School of tabla has produced most world renowned tabla players), some of them are also made of wood. A heavy brass Bayan (left) also sounds good, I have a very good sounding 5lb. brass Bayan. Normally the Bayan is not tuned to any specific note. But some very advance players, who have really good control over their palm-pressure, tune it too a certain note. If tuned, then it is generally tuned to the bass keynote. Many notes can be played by altering the pressure of palm on it. It also has the same three sections (chanti, luv, siaahi). Bayan’s Siaahi (ink) is on to a side. Most Bayans (left side) are 10″ in size. Bayan’s ‘Pudi’ (skin) has a crown too. Difference here is that the Bayan does not have wooden pieces under the hide belt (unless it is meant to be tuned).

Related Posts: 1. Tuning Tabla, 2. Tabla Sounds,

Also see more on the Rhythm Practice page.

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6. Definitions of Rhythmic Words

Hindi or Sanskrit words are used all through this blog. This is necessary to preserve the authenticity of Indian music. To make things easier for you, here is a whole post describing meaning and definitions of some commonly used rhythmic words. Don’t waste too much time memorizing these words. It is not easy to learn so many new words out of context. Bookmark this post to refer to it whenever needed.

Taal: (Rhythm or rhythmic pattern)
Taal can be translated as ‘rhythm’. It originated from Sanskrit word ‘Tul’, which means bottom or base. So rhythm is thought to be the base of music.

Maatra: (Beat)
One unit of a Taal is called Maatra. That means if you are playing at 60 bpm, every second is equal to one Maatra (beat).

Laye: (Tempo)
Speed of a Taal is Laye or tempo. There are three basic Layes:
Vilumbat: (slow) if you refer to 60 bpm as normal tempo, then 30 bpm is the Vilumbat Laye.
Madhya: (medium) when Vilumbat is doubled it is then a Madhya Laye. So in this example 60 bpm is the Madhya Laye.
Drut: (fast): Vilumbat x4 or Madhya x2 is a Drut Laye. So in this example 120 bpm is the Drut Laye.

Bole: (sound/s):
Ancient music Gurus have defined some sounds for Tabla and southern rhythmic instrument Murdungum. These sounds are referred to as ‘Boles’ (sounds) of that instrument. In general language, Bole means a ‘word’. This means that when played properly, an instrument speaks, but we will refer to a ‘Bole’ as a ‘sound’.
Tabla has ten Boles (sounds):
Ta, Tin, din, Te, Re, Tu, Ke, Ge, Dha, Dhin,
Combining these boles (sounds) creates some other boles. We will discuss these in detail later.

Theka: (pattern) (pronounced with hard ‘t’ as in ‘too’):
When some boles (sounds) are put together to make a pleasant pattern, that is called a Theka. Tabla and Murdung and many other Indian rhythmic instruments have their own sounds. Normally a Tabla’s Theka cannot be played on another rhythmic instrument without alternating some boles (sounds).

Bhag: (Sub bar or section of a Taal)
Every Taal is divided into sections. These sections are called Bhags.

Sum: (First beat or down beat)
This is the place where a Theka (pattern) of a Taal (rhythm) starts. It is the most accented beat in a pattern. Mostly the music is ended on the first beat (Sum) too.

Taali (clap) or Bhuree (filled):
These are the other start points of ‘heavier sections’ in a Taal. When a Taal is shown on the palm (more on this a little later), claps are played on these points. A numeric number on the notation bar shows these places. Sum (the first beat) is always the first clap point so the next clap point is shown as No. 2. Rupak Taal  is an exception, the first beat of Rupak Taal is a Khali (empty) rather than a Bhuree (filled) beat. Here we will see another very famous Taal called ‘Teen Taal’ as an example:

Teen Taal

Khali (empty or lighter point):
This is mostly in the middle of a Taal. Although it is not empty but when a Taal is shown on the palm, a clap is not played on this point. It is shown with a ‘0’ in the above graph. Mostly the lighter Boles (sounds) are played on Tabla or Murdung on this point. In Rupak Taal, the first beat is a Khali (lighter) beat. That is an exception. Rupak Taal is written like this:

Pattern of Teen (three) rhythm:

Matra 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Sign X       2       0       3      
theka d dh dh d d dh dh d d tn tn t t dh dh d

(d=dha, dh=dhin, tn=tin, t=ta)

In the above example Theka Teen Taal (name) has three (thus the name) Taalis  (clap points) and one Khali (empty point).

Rupak Taal









Taal sign
















Every Taal must have a Sum (First Beat), so in Rupak, Sum sign (X) overrides the Khali sign (0). But a very light Bole (sound) ‘Tin’ makes it obvious that the first beat is a Khali beat here. Some people do write Rupak starting with Khali sign (0) and no Sum sign at all, but that is not the proper way.

Kaayda: (no English equivalent)
When Tabla or Murdung’s ‘sound phrases’ arranged in a taal come into practice, and they are played the classical way with clear and proper hand techniques, that is a Kaayda. Kaaydas are always followed by its Paltas. A Plata is composed or improvised by rearranging the main phrases used in the original kaayda.

Tukda: (a piece)
This is a group of Tabla or Murdung’s sounds (boles). When a piece is played in 2, 4, 8 etc. times, and it ends on the Sum (first beat), that is refer to as a Tukda (piece).

Tihaee or Tippali: (a three timer):
When a group of boles (sounds) is played three times without altering it, and it ends on the first beat; that is called a Tippali or Tihaee. The basic Tihaees are Sum to Sum Tihaees (first to first beat). The following is an example of a Tihaee in  Kehrva.

X       0      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gadi Gan Dha, Gadi Gan Dha, Gadi Gan

The above is an example of a simple Sum to Sum Tihaee. One group of boles (Gadi Gan Dha) is played three times starting from the first beat and the last bole (sound) Dha, comes on the first beat.

Nuvhukka (tripple Tihaee):
When a Tihaee is played three times and it ends on the first beat, That is a Nuvhukka. In other words in a Nuvhukka,the group of boles (1/3) of the main Tihaee is a Tihaee in itself. If the last bole (sound) of Tihaee  is a Dha (a common Tabla sound), then it is also called a ‘9 dha’s Tihaee’. Mostly this is used in the very end of the performance.

Mukhda (pick up):
A Mukhda is a piece (tukda) played form sum to khali or vice versa.

Purn: (no English equivalent)
When piece ends on the first beat no matter where it started from, that is a Purn.

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5. Rhythm

Two fundamental elements of Indian music are Raag and Taal (raga and tala). First we are going to focus on the Taal part of it. The word ‘Taal’ can be translated as a rhythm or more specifically, a rhythmic pattern. There are many pre-defined Taals in Indian music. All music, when written in rhythm, is written in one or more specific Taals. All Taals are made from ‘boles’ (sounds of Tabla or Murdung). Although every Taal has pre-assigned boles, but ancient scriptures do not mention Boles. So technically, all the sounds in a Taal are changeable and player often customize them. So what is it that makes a Taal distinct from the others?

A Taal is just like a Raag. Everyone sings or plays their own compositions in a Raag but the Raag still remains ‘unbroken’ as long as the basic rules are followed. The same is true for Taals. If the main frame is not tempered with, a Taal does not change by changing the sounds. Taals are based on the Khali-Taali system. As I mentioned earlier on this site that Indian Taals (rhythmic Patterns) are divided into sections. The first beats of these sections give a Taal its distinct flow.

First beat of every section must have one of the following three statuses:

1. Sum: First beat of the first section (or the very first beat of a Taal) has this status. Every Taal has one and only one Sum. Sum is shown as ‘X’ mark on the first beat.

2. Khali: Khali is the opposite of Sum. It is generally in the middle of the Taal. Most Taals have only one Khali but some have more. The word ‘Khali’ means ’empty’. Although the Khali beat is not normally empty of sounds, but lighter boles (sounds of Tabla or Murdung) are played here or a lighter part of the Taal (pattern) begins here and remains that way until the next Taali point. A Khali is shown as an ‘0’ on the first beat of the lighter section of a Taal.

3. Taali: The word ‘Taali’ simply means a ‘clap’. After assigning Sum and Khali, all the other first beats of other sections in the Taal are assigned Taalis. Taalis are shown with numeric numbers (2, 3 etc). Sum (first beat of a Taal), is considered the first Taali and its sign is an ‘X’, so the next Taali is written as No. 2 Taali. Here is an example of ‘Jhup Taal:’

Jhup Taal
10 beats and 4 sections

X 2 0 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
dhin na dhin dhin na tin na dhin dhin na

As we see in the above example that ‘Jhup Taal’ has ten beats and these are divided into 4 sections. If you find ‘Jhup Taal’ in the old scriptures, it would just say that ‘2+3+2+3’ with ‘sum-taali-khali-taali’ (X-2-0-3) status is called Jhup Taal.

So Jhup Taal has:

  a. Three (3) Taalis (on the first, 3rd and 8th beat)

b. One Khali (on the 6th beat)

c. 4 sections of 2+3+2+3

Now lets see that how the boles (sounds) fit in that division. Once you have learned the sounds of Tabla you will see that ‘Dhin’ sound (used on the first beat) is made of two sounds:

Ghe+Tin (left and right hand)

It is like playing a kick and a snare together. Now have a look at the Taalis (clap points). The first, 3rd and 8 the beats have ‘Dhin’ sound on them. So these are heavy accented beats. The Khali Beat (empty point) has the bole (sound) ‘Tin’ played on it. Playing Tin is like playing the snare only. So this beats has a lighter accent. The sounds are repeated twice (5+5) by omitting the sound ‘ghay’ on the 6th beat. This way the Sum and Khali become two opposite poles of the Taal. You can play any other boles by keeping the same thing in mind and the rules of Jhup Taal will not be broken.

Now let’s see another example of another Taal. This Taal is called ‘Sool Taal’. It also has 10 beats but it is very different from Jhup Taal. Have a look:

Sool Taal
10 beats and 5 sections

X 0 2 3 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
dha dha din ta kit tuk tir kut gadi gan

In this Taal, every other beat is accented and it has two Khalis. This Taal will be shown like this:

2+2+2+2+2 with ‘X-0-2-3-0’ (sum-khali-taali-taali-khali) status.

Indian Rhythm may seem a little different or complicated at first glance, but if you are a drummer or know some drum beats, try to take them apart into sections like a Taal. Find the accented beats and writeUstad Tari Khan accordingly. You will see that all the 4/4 patterns you play or hear are not all the same after all. Their accents make them sound different. The sub-sections create a flow and this flow separates a disco beat from a reggae beat. Once you master this concept you will get another creative choice to make to create new patterns.

Now, You can either:

1. keep the accents of a pattern but change the sounds. It would means that you didn’t change the Taal, you are just playing a new version of it. or

2. change the accents by changing the sizes of sections, now you are re-arranging Khali-Taalis. Now you will be playing a new Taal.

A drummer should know accented beats in every rhythm he/she plays. This will increase the improvising ability and the fills will fit together easily. If you make a new pattern and write it keeping Khali-Taalis in mind, you will not lose its feel even coming back to it years later.

Next time we will discuss some rhythmic terms and words.

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